Ginger and Honey Wrap

Ginger and Honey Wrap


Main Ingredients

1 Tsp: Flour, White Plain

1 Tsp: Ginger, Powder

6 Sheet: Paper, Toilet White (Andrex)

1 Tsp: Oil, Olive Oil

1 Tsp: Honey, Clear Best Quality

30 cm: Tape, Surgical


Mix the ginger, flour, olive oil and honey into a paste in a mug.

Lay out 6 sheets of toilet paper and fold the end sheet back over.

Place 1 tsp of the honey and ginger paste in the centre of the folded over sheet.

Fold the remaining sheets first by going over the paste, then under and back over again - fold the last sheet back on itself.

Run a strip of tape a few mm in from each edge leaving 5 mm overhanging at each end.

Pick up the chest pack and stick to your chest (or back), in the centre just below your collar bone BUT NOT DIRECTLY ABOVE YOUR HEART!

Replace every 12 hours or so until you are better.