Cauliflower Cheese

Cauliflower Cheese


Main Ingredients

1 Whole: Carrot, Fresh

15 g: Butter, Salted

300 ml: Milk, Fresh Semi-Skimmed

75 g: Cheese, Cheddar Strong

0.5 Tsp: Mustard, Dijon

15 g: Flour, White Plain

0.5 Whole: Onion, Brown (Fresh)

1 Stick: Celery, Fresh

6 Whole: Pepper, Corn Black

1 Leaf: Bay Leaf, Dried

1 Seasoning: Nutmeg, Ground

1 Whole: Cauliflower, Fresh


Pour 600 ml milk into a saucepan and add 1 small onion, 2 carrots, 2 small celery sticks, 12 peppercorns and 2 bay leafs. Heat the milk and flavouring ingredients over low heat until almost boiling then remove from the heat. Cover the pan and leave the milk to infuse for 15 minutes.

Strain the milk through a sieve (into a bowl or jug) and discard the flavouring ingredients.

Cook the Cauliflower in salted water.

Make a roux from the butter and flour and cook, stirring for 1-2 minutes. Remove from the heat and gradually stir in the milk (I find it best to stir in a splash at a time and stir until all the milk has been absorbed, then stir in another splash until the sauce has become a liquid. Then stir in the remaining milk).

Stir or whisk continuously over a moderate heat for 2-3 minutes, until the sauce boils and is smooth and thickened. Season to taste with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Be careful not to over salt - the sauce should have a slightly flavoured milk taste.

Remove the sauce from the heat. Allow to cool slightly and stir in the mustard, nutmeg and grated cheese

Mix the cauliflower and cheese in a bowl and serve.